Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The things we say.....

It's just so amazing to me how fast things move with "the wee one's". I swear this weekend Ella learned 10 new words. Well maybe she didn't learn them cold but she certainly had no problem repeating the things we said to her. Here are the things we say:

Momma(given), DaDa(finally), Hi, Bye, Kitty, Bubble, Duck, Two, Clara(her friend), Elmo(but it comes out just 'Mo'), Night Night, Uh oh(over and over and over.......), No No, No No Kitty(apparently I yell at the cat a lot), Poke, Milk, More, Poop(great), Booby(even better), Shoes, Hat, Puppy(Pupa), Nose, Snow, Eye, Ball, and Tickle Tickle(a lot of these she says in two's).

These are all I can think of right now but I can't help but laugh when she says some of them. She's just so darn cute. Here is a sample:


The Johnsons said...

I see you just posted this 10 minutes ago - no I don't stalk your blog. I can't believe she says Clara! I'm touched : )

Does Dan's back hurt as much as mine?

Kim said...

Yes! For months now. seems to only get worse.