That's right, the dreaded pink eye and she didn't get it from Scott Baio. I'm guessing daycare but the Dr. said she could have gotten it from anywhere. She also had a viral infection that caused a temp but no other symptoms. This happened on 4/15. So we got eye drops and the suggestion to keep her out of daycare for 48hrs. By Thursday of that week she was back to daycare and everything was back to normal. Friday night was a very nice night and I decided to treat Ella to a picnic outside which was dinner in her stroller while I sat on the front steps. She seemed to like that. Saturday my mom came over to watch her while Dan and I made a trip to Fredonia to see his little sister perform in a graduation recital. It was just her performing and she has a wonderful voice.
This is the only picture I captured of the event. I'm very talented.
So the day went well for my mom and Ella so we all went out to dinner when we got back. Sunday we had brunch with Dan's Mom and Stepfather and then the rest of the day was spent outside with boo doing some over due yard work because our time in the fall was taken by a brand new baby. Here she is getting ready for sunscreen(she was more interested in crawling).
Now cut to Monday night(4/21). Dan says he feels warm and takes his temperature and voila he has the temperature wielding viral infection "that just has to run it's course". So Tuesday he stayed home from work because his temp hadn't given up. Tuesday night I get home from work and I start to develop a headache. No biggie, take some ibuprofin and call it good. But I woke up in the middle of the night with the headache and a terrible neck ache to go along with it. It wasn't better by Wednesday morning so Dan took Ella to daycare and I stayed home from work(good grief). I took stuff all day to get rid of the aches and nothing helped. Thursday morning I still had a bad headache but forced myself to go to work. I ended up going to the Dr. She told me I pulled my neck(don't ask me) She gave me really good pain meds, muscle relaxants, and a note to be out of work for the rest of the day and Friday too. Oh and she said because of the relaxants I shouldn't care for the baby as long as I was on them and Dan was to do all the baby carrying. Then Friday morning Dan woke up with red eyes. That's right folks it came full circle, he stayed home friday too because of pink eye in both eyes. So now drops for Dan. Can you picture me on muscle relaxants tring to lysol and bleach everything I can?
All the relaxants did was make me sleep though the pain so it was a very boring and quick weekend for me. I took them until Sunday morning. I was so happy to not have a headache and be done with the whole thing. Dan still has some sort of cold that he's been fighting since he had the temp but he's getting better.
Today 4/28 was my day off and I took Ella the the U of R infant lab to help with a language study they were conducting. It was really fun and interesting and she got a shirt out of it....
Also Ella is 8 months old today and I can't even believe it. She's crawling, clapping and I swear the other night she said momma. Dan witnessed it too so it's not just me :) She's also trying to stand and it doesn't make her happy when she can't. She's very determined. Here's her eight month close ups
She's a ham. Whew.......that was a lot, until next time, everyone stay healthy and happy :)